Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I know you're jealous.

My house is clean (including floors AND bathrooms).

ALL the laundry is done (I even changed the bed linens!).

And there are no dishes in my sink.

*happy dance!*


Christeeny said...

Oh cool! Since you're not busy now, wanna come over and clean my house? :-D

We've been playing outside instead of cleaning.

Bleeber said...

Sorry, cant be jealous. All my jealousy was used up on the AMAZING Leah and her jump to high school next year! ROFLCOPTER!

Congrats on the clean house!

LeShayne said...

I am SO jealous. My laundry is NOT done, there are dishes next to my sink because the dishwasher needs to be cleaned out and I have 4 orders out - but I have the next 3 days off!!! Woohoo.

Congrats on the stint as Super Woman!!!

Jen said...

So where'd you stash the kids, hmmm? I know you didn't get all that done with them around!

Chris said...