Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I know, I know.

I promised pictures from HH. I have a good excuse- Bryan stole them and is holding them hostage on his computer. I will get them soon.

I feel like I've been a day late and a dollar short this week. Maybe it was the holiday. I'm just scatterbrained (sorry, Tiff!) and tired.

Now I'm going to make a list of random things that are bothering me because it seems like an organized thing to do. Of course, I could be doing something about this stuff instead of writing about it, but please. That is so not me.

*I have this huge test coming up in TEN DAYS, in addition to the coursework I have, so I'm stressing about that.

*Chase's 3 therapies a week. I appreciate them, I really do. And I don't want to NOT have them. But the scheduling of everything around everything else. I just feel like every minute of every day is planned. And it's not just the therapies. It's the speech evaluation tomorrow, the cardiologist next Wednesday, the Synagis shot today...the surgeon next month...blah blah blah. I know that we don't have it nearly as bad as some other families do...I know we're lucky that Chase is as healthy as he is...I'm just whiny now.

*My house needs to be cleaned.

*My bills need to be paid.

*I had a migraine today.

*My face is breaking out.

I think that is it. I needed to get that out of my system.

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