Saturday, February 23, 2008

Farm Friends

The cutest thing:

Chase has a little board book, "Farm Friends," that is in our repertoire for before-bedtime reading. Last night, we were on the page that said, "How do the chicks say we're ready for sleep? Peep, peep, peep!" He BURST out laughing!

So I read it again. As soon as I got to the Peep Peep Peep part, he started giggling again! I made Bryan run upstairs and take a video. Of course, I haven't downloaded it yet, but I will put it up here eventually.

Tonight, I read the book to him again- like 5 times. He laughed at every page and anticipated the animal sounds each time! Sooooo cute!

Usually it takes a lot of cajoling to get a giggle- tickling, nuzzling, raspberry blowing, me laughing directly in his little round face. But it seems like tonight he just found his sense of humor...there it was. Nestled in a barn :)


Angelle said...

That is so cute. I thought I heard you guys giggling in there.

Tammy and Parker said...

Yay for farm animals! :)

Tammy and Parker

Kacey Bode said...

I love the sound of baby laughs!!! Ella too was a very hard baby to get to laugh, still is sometimes. Can't wait to see the video!!!