Monday, February 4, 2008

A Good Day

After the lunacy that was yesterday, I didn't know what to expect from Ian today.

However...he was a total doll today. He woke up happy. He ate a huge bowl of LifeCerealPlease. He got dressed without a fuss (actually, he needed no convincing at all!). He played nice with Chase. We made some play-dough snakes. He helped me fold laundry and even volunteered to give his Blue Dogs a bath (Thank God, because they were starting to get really funky and he insists on bringing one- the one with the "flat ear"- to preschool and the teachers/other parents must think that we are dirty, dirty people). *and on a side note, the best thing about washing Blue Dog is when he goes to check on him periodically through the glass on the washer/dryer.*

Friends came over for our DSAC playgroup-- and Ian shared his toys! We ate cookies and fruit salad. He showed Rae how to walk on the treadmill and taught Kaitlin how to make play-dough cookies. He was gentle around Chase and Ryan (8 mos). We both made some new friends :)

Chase took a nap, and Ian and I did more laundry (I know, it doesn't really sound like fun, but we did matching sock games and how-fast-can-you-put-your-underwear-in-your-drawer games.) We read some stories, changed the sheets on his bed (he became a sheet monster (that's sheet...not sh*t, which we'll save for another day, thankyouverymuch), and picked up Jordan from the bus.

He and Jordan ate snack, did some of their own treadmill training, and then Ian directed Jordan in the production of many many play-dough gingerbread men. We visited our cul-de-sac friends, made dinner, played with Chase, and even got Chase's treadmill training in (Ian walked in front of him to "teach him how to do it, Mom").

No meltdowns. No catastrophes. He even went to bed like a normal human being.

I guess you need days like this to balance out the crazies. Let's see what happens tomorrow! It's always a surprise around here :)

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