Cate posted about buying some new games, and I've been eyeing the game aisle at Target ever since. Sadly, there is no extra money to spend on board games just yet, especially with Christmas and birthday around the corner.
But guess what?? As I was being a good wife and mother and cleaning out the downstairs closet for our garage sale on Saturday, I found a mystery box that had yet to be unpacked from our move (16 months ago). In it, I found CANDYLAND! WOOT!
AND Chase is taking an unusually long nap this afternoon, so Ian and I had some really good Mommy and Me time.
I wasn't sure about Ian's attention span, if it would last through the game, or even through the first round. But we actually made it through the entire game. He totally kicked my ass. If it wasn't for the stupid gingerbread man and the peppermint stick cards, I would have ruled.
If ian continues to be this cute, I will have to move back to your house.
Ian only won because he's cheating. You've got photographic evidence of him hiding the gingerbread man & peppermint stick cards right there! LOL
Board games are fun but Hannah ALWAYS wins. She always makes us play by her rules.
I cheated at Candyland when I was a kid, and I bet I still will. Maybe we'll get Eli one...I've been wanting to try it since I read Cate's post last week too.
By the way, I tagged you, so check out my post today!
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