Monday, September 10, 2007

So Cute

Bryan is such a good dad.

I can hear him reading to Ian before bed upstairs through the monitor. Ian's latest library pick is Joseph Had a Little Overcoat. At the end of the story, the author wrote out the Yiddish song that it is based on.

Bryan does NOT sing. At least I've never heard him do it willingly.

But as I type, I can hear this terrible, horrible, off key singing-- all because Ian asked him to. How sweet is that?

**I must also mention, that every time I try to sing in the car along with the radio, Ian asks me to "Please stop singing, Mommy," or "Noooooooooo! Stop, Mommy, stop!" Really. Is Bryan's singing that much better than mine?!


Rhiannon said...

I would have paid to hear that! lol

Christeeny said...

Aw, that's so sweet!

Christina said...

Zach yells at me to stop singing also. I was starting to get a complex.

Stephanie said...

ROFL. Isn't it always the way.
Keep on singing mom, I am sure you aren't that bad ;)