Monday, September 3, 2007

Really? For Me...?!

I was awarded! Emily from The Hamula Family (what a sweetie!) tagged me for:

This is my first blogging award. I would like to personally thank all my fans :) No, really. I love that my thoughts, as scrambled as they sometimes are, are enjoyed by others. This blog was started mostly as my own therapy, and like Emily, I've found a community of many other moms riding the same roller coaster that I found myself on 4 months ago. I can only hope that my writing can be as beneficial to someone else as it has been for me.

With that being said, I would love to pass this sentiment along to a few of my "blog friends" and thank them for their honest and witty perspectives on life as we know it:

I don't know what to say
I Never Thought...
Ella Grace with the Pretty Face

1 comment:

Jen said...

Witty? Who, me? Thanks!