Friday, July 6, 2007

A Full, Full Day

I'm totally exhausted, and so are the boys.

We started today at 9 with Chase's PT. Actually, we started well before that, doing the flight of the bumblebee pick-up-the-house-so-people-don't-think-we-actually-LIVE-this-way. I also had to make sure that Chase was awake, fed, and ready for PT, which proved to be difficult because he eats basically every 2 hours on the dot, and snoozes after he eats, and he woke up at 7 and that put him at 9 for his next feeding and nap...which was when PT was supposed to be here. ACK! Not to worry. I convinced him to eat a "snack" at 8:15, then he napped from 8:30-8:50, and was *gasp* ready for action when she got here at 9! Woo-hoo!

He did great :) He's holding his head up for such long periods of time now. She also had him sit on my giant yoga ball, and he held his head up in a sitting position, too! Yay for Chase! Ian let Chase have the spotlight for a good 25 minutes before he started turning into a pain...

After PT, I was on a high from the success of the morning. I fed Chase. He napped. I bribed Ian to go play upstairs so I could catch a shower. I packed our enormous diaper bag and juggled everyone and everything out the door and into the car to meet Bryan for lunch in Charlotte.

Chase slept all the way there, through lunch, and all the way home. Ian was the perfect gentleman at Ruby Tuesdays, even stopping to chat with a little old lady sitting in the corner booth on our way out the door.

Bryan gave Ian a sucker from the bank when we dropped him back off to work, and told him he wasn't allowed to have it until after naptime. Thanks, Dad. He, of course, tried to take off the wrapper and eat it in the car. I tried to take it away (while doing 55mph on a winding road), and the little twerp held it above his head and told me, "Now you can't reach it, Mommy, because it's too far away!" I finally caught him off guard, grabbed it, and listened to him cry/yell/whine/demand that I give it back until he tired himself out and slept for 1/2 an hour.

When we got home, Ian was in much better spirits. He ate his sucker as I packed us all up (again) to go to the waterpark. 4 diaper changes and a feeding later, we were ready to go. We spent a good hour and a half at the waterpark, where Ian giggled like a maniac as he tiptoed through water up to his neck back and forth across the pool. I followed him, wearing a sleeping Chase in a sling. People smiled a lot at me. I think it may have been pity...!

We finally made it out of the pool (Ian was NOT happy about going home) and back for dinner.'s 8:50, both boys are asleep, as is Bryan...and I'm exhausted (but it was totally worth it!).


Becky said...

Super Mom!!! Gold star day for you! ;)

Angelle said...

You are SUPER WOMAN! Can I be you when I grow up?