Wednesday, November 14, 2007

1 of 2 Things is Happening...

1- The customer service personnel in the billing department of the hospital have become more compassionate...


2- There is a note in my file that says, "This lady is a pain in the ass. Give her whatever she wants. It's easier than fighting with her."

I just had the most enjoyable conversation with the CMC Union rep. I called about a charge that should have been covered by our insurance, but wasn't, and I have been back and forth with the hospital several times about resubmitting the claim. I told the lady about it. She put me on hold because "there are a lot of notes in your file" (what does that mean?!). Then she came back and said to disregard the bill!

*Cue: Twilight Zone music*


Anonymous said...

Told you! You just gotta stay on top of those people! They probably found out you were related to me.

Tom said...

If they haven't written in "This guy is a pain in the ass" yet, they had better get out that red marker.

We're discovering just how pushy we have to be to make things happen.

Sucks; I'd rather be the nice guy.