Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday Update

Couple of things crossed off my to-do list. Some in progress.

1- Chase's visit with Dr. Attori. NO PROBLEMS! The vision of a perfect surgery. As it stands today, Hirschsprung's Disease is no longer an issue :) We only have to go back if something unforeseen happens.

2- Therapies. Still 2 more to go. But I got the word from our caseworker that the state will be picking up ST for Chase and we should be able to start that next week. Yay!

3- I don't know if this was on my list, but I got my haircut. Nothing drastic. But I feel a little better knowing that I'm kind of taking care of myself. And the most awesome thing? The hairdresser came to Tiff's house while most of the children (hers and mine) were napping, and the ones who weren't napping were doing preschool at Angelle's house. Awesome.

4- Going to see Wicked today. So excited :) It will be a welcome break. And I'll wear something that isn't 3 day old jeans and the shirt I slept in the night before.

5- Don't tell anyone who cares about child labor laws, but I've been doggedly digging my garden bed in the backyard with the help of Ian and Andy (the 4 year old that he is "dating" from next door). They work really hard for the small price of a few Thin Mint cookies. We're about 6 inches down in the clay, on a 4x8 plot. I bought wood to make the frame and just have to figure out how to unlock the miter box saw in order to cut everything down and put it all together. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish that and fill it with dirt and sunflower seeds by Friday.


Grace said...

Avery wants to know what Chase wants for his b-day???

Kim A said...

You accomplished alot today, I wish I could get all that done in a day. Have fun tonight!!