Friday, July 3, 2009

Week One

My mom pointed out that it has been 5 days since my last post.  Thanks, Ma.

So, this is what we've been up to:

Monday- no idea.  Can't remember.  Very little sleep that night.

Tuesday- Can't remember that either.  Pretty sure Bryan and I watched a bunch of season one True Bloods at night.  Again, very little sleep.

Wednesday- Hmmm.  ?  I think I took Ian and Chase to the library while Bryan stayed at home with sleeping Gavin so he could get some work done.  Ian played on the computer there, and Chase ran through the aisles wildly.  Less sleep at night.

Thursday- Haven't a clue what happened in the morning.  Bryan watched the boys, I think Chase had therapy...?  I slept until 9:30 because Gavin has decided that the optimal hours for sleeping are between 6am and 9am.  We took the whole family out to dinner (Olive Garden- where Ian ate most of my seafood pomodoro- is that what it's called?)  and then to the mall so that the boys could run around on the play place.  We had ice cream afterwards :)  Chase makes quite the mess with his ice cream cone because he signs 'ice cream' in between each bite, licking his hand every time.  Not a lot of sleep again.

Friday- The best day of all.  A friend from my women's group at church is a massage therapist and called to offer me a complimentary post-partum massage.  After thinking it over (not) I told her we would be ready by noon.  She gave me an awesome massage, then one for Bryan, too.  Ian even got up on the table and was rubbed down.  Now we are totally useless and noodle-ly, and camped out in the living room watching more True Bloods.

Overall, I cannot complain a bit.  Yeah, the sleep thing is hard, but Bryan has continued to give me a couple extra hours every morning.  The boys are settling down, Ian is not quite as wild as he was earlier this week, and Chasey is still being relatively gentle with Gavin.  Speaking of the baby...he is continuing to be totally laid back and wonderful.  Aside from the whole nocturnal thing.


mom said...

Hmm...looks like I have an exciting (?) week coming up!

carydip said...

Can't believe you're out and about already! Sounds like you and Bryan are quite the team! Wish I could help you, still looking for 'cheap' tickets ;) LOVE the pictures-keep them coming. What a beautiful family. Give them all a hug and kiss for me. Love~Mom