Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Growing a Boy

Gavin is 4 weeks old tomorrow!  How did that happen?!

Here are photos of his first bath.  It was only this past Saturday, since it took over 3 weeks for his nasty belly button to fall off.  I am predicting that this Maddex boy will not be known for his punctuality.
Not sure about this whole bath thing...
No, definitely not a fan of baths.  Nor of funny soap hair-do's.
Classic Grumpy Gavin.  He has a really sweet temperament, but a seriously grumpy looking face much of the time.
Here is a bonus pic of a sleeping Gavin, who loves his paci and his monkey.


My name is Sarah said...

Oh so cute.

Angelle said...

I love that he has enough hair to do fun bath things.

April said...

He IS a growing boy.