Monday, June 29, 2009


Though I can't say that we are actually on any kind of a routine, and things are far from normal here (what is normal, anyway?!), it's starting to feel like 'regular' kind of.

Gavin woke up twice last night after I laid him down at 11 and went to bed myself.  I fed him at 2 and 5am, he went back to sleep easily both times, and then slept until 8:30!  Bryan got up with the big boys at 7ish and let me sleep until the buffet needed to be opened for Gavin, so I felt well rested even.

Speaking of the buffet, just a side note:  I had forgotten the *ahem* huge feeling of breastfeeding.  Seriously.  These babies are enormous.  I feel like I have had a botched implant job.  Crossing my fingers that this issue will resolve itself quickly, because frankly, it's embarrassing.

Ian is a little wild.  We've been trying to make sure that he has special things to do with Daddy every day, and that he gets to do important big brother things (like carry the dirty diapers to the diaper pail...), but I think that secretly he needs more attention than that.  He's just wound up, and I feel badly for getting frustrated with him (haven't I TOLD you not to sit on your brother until he cries?!?!) but I don't want him to think he can get away with murder just because there is a new baby here.  Other times he is the sweetest brother ever, showing Gavin his Nerf gun and piling baby toys on top of him as he is snuggled in the baby papasan chair.  So, yeah, he still needs some time to adjust.

Chase is kind of oblivious to everything, I think.  He is happy, loves to pet Gavin when he is awake, but is also happy completely avoiding him.  My only issue with him is that I have orders not to lift him for 2 weeks, and it is very hard to say no to his little hands reaching up to me.  Oh, yeah, and when he climbs on me, he has a knack of stabbing me with a well-placed elbow or knee on tender areas.

I fear jinxing myself at this point, but Gavin is a really laid back, quiet, happy little guy.  He's observant and content, crying only when he discovers that he is hungry.  He's a good nurser and sleeper...I'm hoping that this isn't the calm before the storm.  Crossing my fingers...

So, overall, things are good here.  Thanks for asking :)


Angelle said...

Ian & Leah were both W-I-L-D this afternoon over here. I think we need to bust out the bounce house maybe tomorrow afternoon. I love hearing that it can be normal so quickly. I am hoping that for us too.

mom said...

Ummm, it has been 5 days since your last blog. Busy?