Friday, June 5, 2009

Things to Do on a Rainy Day

We had to cancel our play group in the park this morning due to the nasty rainy weather.  So we are trying to find things to entertain ourselves.  This activity was a big hit:


Bryan said...

ok, i love that pic with chase on the shelf!! :)

Nikki said...

This looks just like our house today! And the pool pics look just like our house yesterday. :)

carydip said...

A pool! I'm so glad for you-show a picture of it. What a strain off of you. Kids in the cubboard-Laurie, you're so creative-or was it their idea!? ;) Wish I could be there to give you a few breaks. Sure you don't need me sooner than Oct?? Wow, Gavin is going to be well-done! Love~Mom