Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Change Change

Chase has a new trick.  He is almost always telling me when he needs a change, and not only will he sign it, but he goes to his little diaper basket, takes out the changing mat, unfolds it, and lays down.  It is super cute because when he lays down on it, he almost always misses, so he kind of ends up laying next to it.

He also occassionally thinks it's funny to go through all those steps except for the laying down part, then he waits for me to get on the floor ready to change him, and then he runs away laughing.  

1 comment:

Chris said...

I hope you are excited about this little trick of his. Gotta think that this will bode well for potty training!

You train Chase first, blog about it, so I'll know what to do with John.