Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Though not as exciting as Abby's sign for milk, I think Chase is signing milk now!!

I've been suspecting it for a little while, but tonight at dinner, Bryan was giving him a bottle and he kept taking it away (not being mean, but busy with dinner things!) and Chase would sign MILK with both hands until he gave it back!

We tested it multiple times...he passed every one! It was very deliberate. Bryan would take it away, Chase would look at the bottle, and if he didn't give it back right away, he'd sign!

*On another semi-related note, I got Chase up from nap this afternoon and noticed that he had some shmutz on his sheet and on his Green Frog. I thought that he had spit up some sweet potatoes from lunch- gross. So I picked him up out of the crib, noticing too late that the mess was not from his mouth, but from the back of his diaper, which overfloweth with really nasty nasty poo. Like, really nasty. And especially so because it was all over my hand, my shirt, every piece of clothing on Chase, and his hair.

Just thought you'd like to know.


Tiffanyrose said...

You had a poop from the depths of hel!! I have been there.

Cate said...

Yay Chase!

(Um, that's yay on the signing, not on the poop.)

Michelle said...

Hahaha! I am SO glad that we got the good news about Chase signing milk before the poop story!

Way to go, Chase! (For the signing!)

Kacey Bode said...

GROSS!!! I have had days like that lately. Ella was having a little bout of constipation so was taking Miralax, lovely.

That is so good on Chase's signing!!! Any insider tips on how to teach the signs to a child who has no disire to learn them??? She is signing "more" and "baby" but much prefers yelling and pointing.

Preppy Pugs said...

Have you seen the new movie Baby Mama? There is a scene in the movie where a kid has some brown "stuff" on his arm. Mom doesn't know what it is, she sniffs it, then licks it to see what it might be. I was laughing so hard at the movie I'm not even sure if it turned out to be food or poop. It's a must go see movie!