Monday, January 10, 2011


Even with our Big Announcement, time doesn't just stop around here!

Points of interest:

*We had a big ol' snow today-there were huge, fat snowflakes falling almost all day long here.  There is something awesome about a snow day...Bryan's branch was closed, so we had a whole day at home just to hang out; nowhere to go, nothing to do but drink hot chocolate, watch movies, and play in the snow.  Honestly, it was only Ian in the snow with his soul mate, Andey, but we had fun watching him and warming up his little red cheeks when he came back inside.  The littles just don't LOVE the snow for enough time to warrant getting everyone dressed up and outside.  Maybe next year they will learn to keep mittens on their hands.  Until then, we are destined for very short outings in the winter.

Oh, and since we live in NC, we have a snow day tomorrow, too, because everyone is afraid of weather here. So, yay!

*I still love my Dyson.

*Guy and Chase are all the time.  Today Chase was showing Gavin book after book as he pulled them from the book box, and it seemed like he was even giving a synopsis of each one (in his own language, with intelligible words interspersed), and Gavin was either yaying or naying each one.  So funny.

They are also rambunctious little dudes, jumping into piles of blankets that they arrange, jumping on the couch, jumping onto each other.  Gavin ended up with a bonk on the head this evening, which was possibly a direct result of Chase, though we are not entirely sure what happened.  :(

*Ian is becoming quite a little Tetris addict.  I try to get him to play the reading/math games on his DS (Christmas present...have I not posted about Christmas yet?  Gah!  For shame!!) and he was reluctant at first, but has since declared, "Hey!  I am getting to like my learning games a LOT, Mom!"  (dork.)

*Did I mention that we decided to adopt Danil?!?!?!  AND that we have an incredibly supportive and wonderful, amazing, fantastic circle of family and friends?!?  For REALSIES!!  Love you guys!!!!!

*On that same note, I need a name for our adoption blog.  Go.

1 comment:

Coopie Inc. said...

I love that Chase and Gavin speak the same language. That must be so cute to watch.