Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hodge Podge Post

  • I've been cleaning out our house...a LOT.  I believe I can officially call it nesting.  It's the same feeling of needing everything to be organized, cleaned, and put back together that I felt before all the boys were born.  But this time I get to do it without 65 extra pounds of belly (ok, and thighs and butt, if I am being totally honest).  Our garage is a hundred times better than what it was before, although I still have some sorting I want to do. Linen closets have been organized and purged, and the boys' closets are next.  The thought of people living in our house for 6 weeks without us here is really a big motivator.
  • School's out for summer :)  I'm so happy to take a break from the schedules...the morning tornado of activity to get Ian and Chase out the door, the lunch packing, the after-school chaos.  I'm gladly trading it all in for lazy mornings, after dinner walks around the neighborhood, sprinklers in the yard, picnics, puzzles on the floor, story time all the time, and ice cream parlor visits.  
  • Potty training.  Eh, still working on it.
  • I lost my battery charger for the camera.  All my photos are being taken on my phone.  Kinda frustrating.  Must try to find that in my mad house-cleaning spree.
  • Chase was sick and missed his last week of school.  Now he's on the tail end of it, and Guy has it full throttle now.  Fevers and coughs are not part of summer break awesomeness.

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