Back from the Big Sono. And like so many stories of odds and statistics in our lives...we have once again proved them wrong.
The nub theory is totally bogus.
We are having another BOY! 3 for 3, baby!
Everything on the scan looked good (but the Doctor had to throw in a cautionary, "Well, you know that the sonos are not 100% guaranteed to catch everything.") I found out that the placenta is anterior, which makes me feel like not so much of an idiot for claiming that I can't feel the baby as much as I think I should be able to. All limbs, fingers, and toes are accounted for, and no soft markers were mentioned.
I feel like I could possibly have an honorary degree in sono-tech-ness because I was watching the screen like a hawk trying to find all of those markers, and I knew what I was looking for.
I'm not disappointed about not having a girl, I just really really really thought it was a girl this time! I had these pictures in my head...and now she's's weird. I think having 3 boys will be fun in it's own merit, though...although I can already hear echoes of, "Oh, it's those Maddex boys again!" or "One of the Maddex boys probably did it..." Chase will be a good big brother to his little brother, and Ian will be a good big brother to both his little brothers.
I will never ever have any pink in my house! I really thought that I was going to be able to make a really cool pink and brown baby room.
I'm making a list of the benefits of having 3 boys:
1. No weird girl crevices to clean...!
2. Haircuts? No problem!
3. Hand-me-down clothing.
4. Don't have to buy new bedding.
5. Bryan will have to do public bathroom duty when they are older.
6. No weddings to pay for.
7. Teen pregnancy will not be an issue (well, on this side...)
8. I do like blue.
9. No one will have to go to ballet practice at the same time as a soccer game.
10. I won't ever have to play Cinderella or Tinkerbell or Barbies (maybe...?)
11. It's easier to pee in the woods for boys.
12. I'm not good at braiding hair or making pigtails even.
13. No one will ever have PMS except me.