In some ways, it feels like Gavin has been here forever, and in others it is hard to believe that it has officially been 5 months!
At 5 months, you sit up in that Weeble-People way, no longer depending on the tripod stance, but holding onto toys while you sit. Unfortunately, that also means that when you lose your balance, you fall all the way over :)
You eat lots of solids- carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, bananas, avocadoes, peaches, and applesauce. You hold your mouth open like a little bird at meal times, and sometimes cry if we don't shovel fast enough for you.
You still wake up twice a night, usually about an hour after I go to bed at night and an hour before I have to wake up in the morning. Hope you appreciate that, because, frankly, that schedule is not convenient for me.
Your brothers ADORE you. Chase loves to sit next to you and put his face close to yours, nose to nose, and talk at you. Ian loves to nuzzle you and make you giggle. You smile every time you see anyone, and your little dimples are absolutely the cutest.
Your hair is still wild. You definatey have a mullet and I am contemplating what I should do with that. Although, here in NC, you kind of fit in :)
We love you so much, Guy Guy! You light up our family!
What a cutie!! I can't believe how much he's changed in just a month! The first year is so so amazing. Keep the pictures and updates coming-I miss you all so much! Love~Mom
What a cutie!! I can't believe how much he's changed in just a little over a month!! The first year is so so amazing! Keep the pictures and updates coming. I miss you all so much. Love~Mom
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