Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Georgia Aquarium Vacay

You know how sometimes you just gotta get away?  Yeah.  We packed up with Papa and Gaga over Labor Day weekend and drove 4 1/2 hours (that is 6 hours in kids-in-a-van time) and went to the world's largest aquarium in Atlanta.Along with a million other people with the same idea.  It was a bit crowded.  Not so much that we didn't enjoy it, but enough so that when we go back again, it will be on a weekday, not a holiday, and not while there are two major college football games.
Happy family :)
Outtake from the Happy Family picture.  If this was a video, you would see Bryan trying to lift a boneless 4 year old, while containing a very antsy Chase, and me saying through clenched teeth, "Ian!  IAN!  Just sit up and smile for one family picture, PLEASE!" (Why, yes, that sentence does have an implied dammit at the end.)

I think the boys enjoyed it.  Ian spent the whole time looking for the "big big sharks!" and Chasey loved wandering around with Gaga.  I suspect his favorite thing was the dining room where he befriended an elderly gentleman.  Gavin slept and nursed (and fussed because he didn't get enough uninterrupted sleep, I think...) the whole time.  He was not all that thrilled with marine life.  

In front of the parking garage exhibit:

Gaga pinched Gavin or something.  See how she's laughing as he cries hysterically?

A very cool tunnel that we walked through.  I happened to catch the giant Manta ray, the Whale-Shark, and a Great White all at the same time.  Ian loved this part.
A very tired Chasey-doodle.
This is not a plant.  It is a sea dragon.  Very weird and beautiful.
Both boys watch the Belugas (not pictured...!)

1 comment:

Scott said...

The leftover feeling I had when I left that aquarium was, "Man, I really thought whale sharks were bigger than that." Nonetheless, cool place, kinda looks like a mall on the inside doesn't it? lol