Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jesus Take the Wheel!

I'm having the carpets cleaned this morning.  The guy that is here doing it is a very very southern older man, nice, chatty, and just kind of bumpkinny in a sweetheart kind of way.  

When I told him that I was 4 days overdue, he said, "Well, if anything happens while I'm here, I'll just throw up my hands and say, 'Jesus, take the wheel!', 'cause I wouldn't know what to do!"

Let's hope Gavin can hold out one more hour.


Chris said...

hee hee

Actually, I'm a little disappointed Gavin didn't decide to make his appearance right then and there. It would have made for a great blog post!

Hey, have a quick, easy, convenient and boring old delivery! Looking forward to hearing the news that your little guy has arrived!

mom said...

Why didn't I know about this "taking the wheel" corollary before I ditched the car on Renee Ford road last Friday?